Everything you can imagine is real -Pablo Picasso

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

one sick little monkey

so yesterday on my way home from school my throat started to scratch a little bit... and now it's developed into a full fledged sickness...

i thought it was going to take longer to develop which is why i went to my smart friend sarah's house when she offered to make me dinner... dinner was delicious mmm marinated steak and pasta, delicious, but i just couldn't focus during the after dinner convo part of the evening, because of my throat.

after my awful night of sleep last night i took the usual precautionary measures that any unmarried college graduate would do and i called my mother to see what advice she had to offer. just what i figured she ordered up some pseudofed with a side of theraflu, along with a delightful dessert of 'you need to find a doctor in your area'... ah, thank you mom just what i needed to hear...

thank you mom... i appreciate the advice and will get on that in the near future. i love you and miss you and wish that you were here to take care of me.


At 1:08 AM, Blogger Anna said...

Oh, Lisa!!!

Please feel better soon! Here's a hug from across the big blue. Thoughts and prayers are with you.... quick like a monkey, sick like a monkey? Eh! ha ha... one quick little monkey.. on the road to recovery!

Much love, in Christ,
Anna :)


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