Everything you can imagine is real -Pablo Picasso

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

one of those days

have you ever had one of those mornings where you just didn't want to get out of bed? you're not sick, but you're so warm and comfortable and everything outside of that warmth is a chance not worth taking...

this has been my day thus far. i'm just hoping that my students will be mellow so that i don't have to do to much in the way of discipline today.

tonight my girls have a volleyball game, which translates into lisa misses the gilmore girls and is given no chance to tape it, since she can't figure out her vcr. what a downer. those girls had better win to make it at least a little bit worth my time.

on another note... i coached my first volleyball game on saturday. we won. there's an outside chance that i may yell too much, but those girls have quite a bit of trouble waking up most times in the morning.


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