Everything you can imagine is real -Pablo Picasso

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

crushed, absolutely crushed

those of you that know me well, know that i make little wire sculptures of various characters that look really good hanging off of rear view mirrors in cars, or on business cards for people like my brother. anyways, the first one of these characters that i made was created when i was in college, and it was a little wire man on a swing. as he hung from my rear view mirror he would swing back and forth in succession with the car. since this little man i have not created any others that i have liked just as much. i've made a superhero, a guitar man, a couple more swinging ones, and i believe a baseball player, but they all paled in comparison.

well this little wire man even made the transfer from car to car with me last october, but the other day, at some point, he accidentally fell out of my car without my knowledge. i believe it to be a day or two later when i noticed him missing on my ride home. i figured that he simply fell off in my car, so when i arrived home i took the time to look around for him, but he was no where to be found. when i opened the door of my car to head inside i looked to down at the pavement only to find my happy little swinging man had been crushed and was laying only inches from my car. he was covered in oily residue and flattened into a pancake. a horrific scene for any of weak heart to behold.

so this is my formal apology to you little swinger man, after 4 years of knowing and caring for you, i am sorry that we won't have more time together. i will replace you with a new swinging man, and i promise to more securely fasten him to my rear view mirror so as not to have a repeat of this horror.


At 8:24 AM, Blogger The Harris Family said...

I love little swinging man!! This is a tragic tale. I weep for him. (Moment of silence being observed).

Moving on to happier thoughts...I'll see you on Saturday. Woo hoo!! Let's party & shake our respective groove things.

At 1:08 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Lisa, I am so sorry to hear that. I too would be crushed if my swinger dude or my baseball dude were crushed. Thanks again for making them for us. We think of you every day when we drive anywhere...oh and I think you need to patent that quick because people here love it and want to know how to get one!

At 4:37 PM, Blogger Annika said...

That thing is an icon! A staple of Lisa's car. I am sad. Tear.

At 9:15 AM, Blogger Anna said...

Lisa. I am so sorry. (Moment of silence being observed with Ang.)

Have you told the flying man? I'm afraid I've been out of contact with him for some time, but I'll alert my sister and ask her to immediately pass on the word of his beloved cousin. ... that is if my sister has the flying man. Blast it all, I knew I should have brought him with me to Taiwan. He could have flown with pride on the front of my "Crazy Man" bicycle.

I hope that sick little monkey is gone leaving a quick like a monkey teacher in her stead.

Much love, in Christ,

P.S. MAN, I so so so SO wish I could be at the wedding this weekend. You guys will be in my thoughts and prayers! Have a great time and bust some of those classic dance moves for me! I can't wait to see pictures and hear ALL about it! Will you give me a full report? Give Ang a hug from me, Lisa, and tell Pete a big hello. Mr. and Mrs. Harris. I like that. What a beautiful day it will be!!!!! God's blessings to you all!!!! He's truly given us MUCH to celebrate! (Even in light of your swinging man... don't cry that it's over, Lisa, but smile that it happened!) lol... love ya.


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