Everything you can imagine is real -Pablo Picasso

Monday, March 07, 2005

the walking city

I had a grand ol' time in Boston this last weekend, and I wish that it could have lasted longer. Everywhere that I went in the city I walked, because I am too cheap (note also too broke) to pay for my transportation.

My hotel was 45 minutes from the convention center, so I had quite a doosy waiting for me every morning and every evening. Not to mention my friends who insisted on walking for hours at a time to scour the city in an attempt to find the Boston City Massacre.

The convention went well. I was only able to get in on a few sessions, and those that I did see I have to say were pretty good. I wasn't quite as impressed as two years ago, but it is kind of cool to be in the same room with 3,600 people who share your same profession. (even if a lot of them wear those crazy clothes and huge homemade earrings)

Needless to say by the end of the weekend my knees could no longer withstand even my getting up to buy a soda in the airport.

I am glad that I got out and experienced new things for me like... Boston, Air Tran's flight attendants and pretzels, as well as getting a taxi all by myself (ok I didn't actually get the taxi, the concierge did that, but I definitely rode in it all by myself, I am so a grown-up now.... right?)


At 9:50 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

Our little Lisa is growing up! AWWW! That is so awesome that you ventured into Boston alone and awesome that you got to go to the convention/conference. I am jealous. That is one conference I would like to take in some time..prolly never will but it's the thought that counts. Hope all is going well with you. I enjoy reading your art stories and the others also...keep em comin! Take care sweetie!


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