Everything you can imagine is real -Pablo Picasso

Monday, October 22, 2007

wish me well

it tends to be a trend this time of the year that i fall off the face of the blogging world, and with one good excuse after another... school starting and volleyball, i am barely left any time to see my roommate in person let alone sit down to blog.

here's what's happening with the lisa-girl.

my freshman volleyball team finished their season really strong, and i have no doubt that some of them will be getting pulled up to varsity at the start of the season next year. varsity is still on a roll... they just won the regional championship on saturday and are headed off to their first sectional game this coming thursday. they have very high hopes of making it to state, plus they are ranked third in division 4 in the state, which is pretty stinking awesome.

teaching has been going pretty smoothly this year... i'm excited about the direction that i have my peer ministry group heading, but not excited about the amount of prep it leaves for me. i'm also really hapy with the way that my intro to art classes have been going. One of the other teachers told me the other day that she was told that you are the best teacher you can be when you are in your third year of teaching, because you still have the enthusiasm, and you appear to know what you are doing. well that's just great, i'm peeking already.

i am also now officially the head of the drama department since the past head left last year. it's not a position that i would have chosen for myself, it's much easier to be the helper not the leader. but i am excited about the learning experience that it will be for me, and how fun it is for the kids. i'm currently trying to find time to organize some one act plays for performing in late January... and trying to decide between a dinner theatre, and a musical for the spring.

i have also now become committed to a group called YoungLife in green bay. and the group that i am going to be a leader with is just starting a group in a new high school. i'm really excited about meeting the kids and getting to know them, and giving them opportunities to learn about Christ. I even have one of my students at NEW who used to go to that school that is going to be helping me out, especially with knowing some kids that might be interested. I really pray that the Lord is going to bless this group.

i am maid of honor in a wedding on thanksgiving weekend, and currently trying to organize the lowkey bachelorette party that we are going to have...

outside of all that i try to find some time to hang out with my roommate and friends, and am often somehow successful at that... which gets me sane enough to start each new day with a positive attitude.

needless to say i'm busy... but i pray that you all are doing well! May God's peace, blessing, strength, and comfort be with you all!


At 12:27 PM, Blogger Erin said...

I blogged...sorta...I'll try harder next time.


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