Everything you can imagine is real -Pablo Picasso

Sunday, September 16, 2007

life is wonderful-ly tiring

Hello All,

It's been a while since I've had the chance to blog. I've begun the new school year, and coaching volleyball and the search for any free time I can find to catch up with friends or on my sleep is an ongoing process.

Volleyball has been going well. I'm coaching our freshman volleyball on my own this year, and it's definitely taught me a lot about myself, and my capabilities. My girls are doing pretty well... We win a little under half of our games, but my girls are learning the game a lot better than any other school in our conference teaches it. I have a really great group of girls, but there are only 7 of them, so they are getting alot of playing time, especially this last saturday when one was sick so we were down to 6 girls for all 7 matches that we played that day. I now get up earlier on saturdays than any day of the week, because of volleyball tournaments. (eek)

School has been going pretty well. Last week was the first 5 day week of our school year, and you could tell, because all of the teachers and all of the students were exhausted by the time that we got to Friday. My art program is doing well... there aren't as many kids in it as I'd like, I believe that mostly due to the way that the schedule turned out, but the students that I do have are a joy and just as inspiring to me as any other year. It's nice to be able to repeat some of the same projects with the intro class this year... and to still have the time to come up with new and cool things to do with my advanced students. My peer ministry class is going really well. This semester I have two sections of peer ministry, the morning section is pretty small and the afternoon one is much larger, which means that I get to test everything that I'm doing out on those morning folks. I've changed some of the format for the better, and hopefully students will get more out of it.

I'm currently prayerfully considering becoming a leader of Young Life in Green Bay. I'm excited about the ministry of working with high schoolers outside of my school who may or may not be part of the body of Christ.

We'll see how things go... and hopefully i'll have the chance to update the blog a little bit more during the keyboarding class that i'm teaching this semester.


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