Everything you can imagine is real -Pablo Picasso

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Day 8

Yesterday was the longest leg of my driving journey. I was in the car for 12 hours yesterday. Talk about dedication to my art. So yesterday was a gorgeous day, and I found plenty of ways to entertain myself.

I listened to 'The Last Battle' - the final of the Chronicles of Narnia series.

I listened to 'Tuesdays with Morrie' - and cried through the whole thing, don't worry, it was a good cry.

I found various animals or shapes in the clouds ahead. What do you think this one is?

I read some pretty funny signs, like:
- Don't Tailgate
- Merge Right - Take Turns (This was on one of those big flashing highway signs)
- Speed Limit enforced by aircraft (what does that even mean?)
- & the best one was "You're always a weiner at Pedro's" (this place called 'South of Border' had advertisements for probably 100 miles before you reached it)

I also had time to figure out what I should have been doing in each state that I stopped in, too bad I'm already half way through the trip, guess I'll just have to do it next time.

I stopped in DC for lunch with one of my college roommates, Kayla

I arrived at Hilton Head Island around 9:20pm (I had left PA at 8 in the morning)
I promptly joined Joy and her friend Shawn to meet some friends... Joy rarely has a day off, and so the night before a day off is prime time for doing something, and since I was ready to do anything but sit in a car, it worked out perfectly.

The best adventure of our evening last night was just trying to get back out of the subdivision we were in to get back to a road we knew. I really should have paid more attention on the way in, but the way out at 3:30am was not at all simple. I think it took us about 20 minutes. (big subdivision = get directions on how to exit before leaving, and not having the number of anyone that could help you... lesson learned)


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