Everything you can imagine is real -Pablo Picasso

Thursday, June 07, 2007

a ridiculous russian doll situation

So it's been awhile, my apologies, but sometimes this whole blogging thing can be a little intimidating... especially when you've been too busy to do it for a while.

Well, good news, school's out. I no longer have cable, or internet at my home, or a third roommate for that matter. I've wanted to start reading books, but I haven't finished cleaning my classroom yet, and until that's done I am enslaved to my job. The school year finished well, although I think my students somehow forgot how to clean up after themselves by the end of the school year. It will be nice to be free of them for a while.

I have now planned a road trip for this summer... that takes me to and through about 15 or so states on my way to adding 5,000 more miles on my odometer. I'm excited about it, and am sure I'll be giving more details as to the tour stops on that trip in the near future.

Wow, what have I been up to since I blogged last... I remember thinking that all of my stress would be over once I finished the play, but that was not so. I always forget that May is one of the busiest months of the school year. In May, I missed 3 days of school to go to 'Trees for Tomorrow' which is like an outdoor ed program. I planned, setup, sat through, and took down for prom. I pushed through a few extra projects with my students. I bought an iron & wine cd and wondered why I hadn't done that before. I went camping over memorial day weekend. I saw numerous phenomenal finales before my roommate moved out and took the dvr with her. I purchased Blockbuster Online. In June we started off with graduation, which meant plenty of graduation parties, and far too much food... the parties continue through the coming weekends as well. My calendar for the summer is filling up all too quickly, and I have a feeling it will fly by and I'll be back in school in no time.

I'll have to keep reminding myself to breathe the summer in & let it simmer.


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