Everything you can imagine is real -Pablo Picasso

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

wittling gnomes

you know how there are some words that just catch your attention and you think that they are awesome words or that you should use them more often? well, some of my friend Tyra's favorite words are 'wittling' and 'gnomes'.... and it got me thinking do i have any words that would do the same for me? are there some words out there that you guys use that you can't get enough of? i guess that i do say that things are 'made of amazing' quite alot, but i'm not sure that is the same thing as what i'm talking about. hmmm... words i can't live without... i know i have some but nothing comes to mind at this very moment. ooo, i think that one of them is 'inappropriate', yes, good word! maybe i'll get back to you with some others.


At 11:51 PM, Blogger Annika said...

I always liked the word evanescent until that band came out. It was my word of the day once and the definition was, "vanishing into the distance like dew at sunrise". I mean honestly. Also, if you're writing in cursive, electromagnetic is the most fun word ever. I had a friend who's favourite words were waft and fickle. It sounds like pickle. :)

At 10:22 AM, Blogger Anna said...

I always think of the word "smock" from a Calvin and Hobbs strip I saw once.

Or there's thumb, garage, or cork.... any of which, said enough times in succession, they will begin sounding very strange.

But as far as my personal favorite words.... ridiculous comes to mind.... splendid.... excrusiatingly.... hmm... actually, I'll have to get back to you on that one. It seems like there should be much better words than those.


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