Everything you can imagine is real -Pablo Picasso

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

it's got poo right there in the middle

note: this blog is not about my new niece ava

there is nothing quite like taking a dog for a walk in the morning and then again in the afternoon... how refreshing to have a sure shot at being outdoors in the beautiful wisconsin summer weather!!!! ...except that part about carrying a plastic bag so that you can slightly indirectly pick up their poop and then you can take it home with you to put in the trash can, or those times when you forget the plastic bag and so you hope that none of the neighbors are watching any of your dogs doodooing ways so that you can get away with not trying to touch the fresh warm feeling of that poo.

yesterday i began dog sitting for this sweet doggy named Lilly, and i will continue to do so until the end of the month. i decided this morning (second time picking up doggy doodoo) that i need some serious va-poo-rize action. it's a product that almost safely, but definitely effectively gets rid of the doggy poo without me ever having to touch it.

what a clever name.


At 2:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So does dog sitting also involve staying at someone's house and living their nice little adult life for a month? (at least in the sense of watching their TV and eating their food and such) Because that would be awesome. Maybe even enough to make up for the poo. Almost.

At 8:43 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

why yes it does, and i am quite happy with her dish tv and her hbo, which i have never had, and mtv, and the real world austin... oh and the nice adult life of living in other peoples houses, walking their dogs and eating their food. (and getting paid to do it none the less)

At 5:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

MTV isnt any good anymore. they never show any music videos. I prefer FUSE.

I have a dog. Dogs rocks the socks off of cats. cats...psh. they think theyre so cool. strutting around the house going, "oh, look at me, I'm so much bet-HACK[hairball]-ter than you...look at me prance and play with yarn and get cat hair all over every inch of the house. I will never be loyal to you because I'm a cat and loyalty is for dogs. So I am just going to lay around in my cool, cat way while everyone does everything for me, because I am a cat."
Yes, I am a dog person.

At 5:59 PM, Blogger LOVE said...

I have a job.
My job is to rescue....
Not just anyone in distress
Also not in distress
Yesterday I rescue a pencil from a sharpener.
Not even a thank-you
This stupid pencil want to be sharpen.
But sharpening will shorten its live....SIGNZ....


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