Everything you can imagine is real -Pablo Picasso

Sunday, February 04, 2007

because i know you want to be in the know

- i attended a sort of art gallery/open house in which a few of my pieces were on display. i mingled about with several people that i know and several that i was meeting for the first time. i enjoyed the ambiance, and i'm proud to say that i also purchased a collage that was made by the wife of one of the pastors at a church that i do a twenty something bible study at. it is a phenomenal piece. hopefully sometime in the near future i can get a picture of it on here.
- i've been online for a couple of hours, and have purchased a few coffee table books including the gashlycrumb tinies and some brian andreas.

::this past week::
- everyday felt like friday, and not in the good way... and then friday didn't really feel like friday.
- i've been wondering if having too much caffeine can hurt your kidneys? can it?
- i made a painting to put in the art show thing that i went to tonight. i think that it was a success. it is a black and white painting of a park, with a small pond and a statue of a rather large hand.
- an elliptical machine was delivered to my house. now, while i haven't the vaguest of ideas of how to put it together, i did take all of the pieces out of the box and placed them randomly about the floor in the room where it will eventually be put together. i think that it was the most exercise i've had in a while. now all i need is my friend craig to help me put it together, so that i can set up my lovely but strict schedule of exercising when i'm on it.
- i completed the adjustment to the slightly devastating haircut i got 2 weeks ago. my hair is now officially apologizing to me and doing what i ask it to.


At 12:07 PM, Blogger Erin said...

Becuase I'm something of an expert, I'm sorry to tell you that yes, too much caffiene can effect your kidneys. When I had my kidney infection I couldn't have my three loves, coke, coffee or chocolate for a month. It was devastating. I hate to be the bearer of bad news..but you did kinda ask.
I miss you, hope your day is feeling more Monday than Friday!

At 8:09 PM, Blogger Annika said...

You sound so together! Art shows, attempts at assembling exercise equipment! Whew. I feel like a mere child in contrast. :)

ps - I started teaching today. So I guess that's a first step for adulthood. Still no furniture or gas money though. One step at a time...


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