Everything you can imagine is real -Pablo Picasso

Monday, December 18, 2006

my recommendation

so on saturday i finally buckled down and used a gift certificate i had been sitting on since last december.

i went and got a facial at a local place where they do things like that. the entire experience left me pondering why no one had ever told me of the wonderfullerness that was all encompassed in a facial. i'm pretty sure the person who invented the facial was thinking about heaven when they came up with it.

let me give you the run down of what happened, i laid there and relaxed as jenessa (oh, sweet jenessa) rubbed my face, neck and shoulders; gave me a hand rub, a foot rub, and made me feel like a better person for it. i'm pretty sure that jenessa was made of amazing. she kept me relaxed and peaceful the entire time. Even while i was laying there, i had time to think about how i would put the amazingness of it all into words for those of you that read my blog, and i'm pretty sure that i have not done jenessa justice or given her the glory she deserves. but i do recommend that each and every one of you (man or woman, elder or child) should try this at least once in your life, namely in the very near future.

if you are nervous about going yourself, i would be more than willing to tag along, if only to make you more comfortable.

ah yes, i suppose this would also be a good recommendation for future gift certificates for lisa.


At 8:39 AM, Blogger Erin said...

Ahem, let the record show that when we lived in our cute little flat in Shorewood, I did in fact tell you about the amazingness of "the facial". And you gave me a withering look followed by the response. "I don't do that."....so yes....you had been told....you just weren't ready for that much amazing in your life. You and your selective memory...miss ya dear


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