Everything you can imagine is real -Pablo Picasso

Thursday, January 20, 2005

the first class jitters

today, i taught my first class, drawing and painting. i even wrote my name on the board for the whole class to see, like you always see in the movies. it was a pretty low key lesson. there were the expected slight miscalculations on my part during the demo, but all in all i think that it went well. they listened when they were supposed to listen, and for the most part they worked when they were supposed to too... the students don't quite understand yet that they can ask me questions, but they'll get there. today was my third day and tomorrow i end out my first week. for me, things are going at a great pace and i'm working with a great cooperating teacher so i can't really ask for much more than that, right? right.


At 5:15 PM, Blogger Adam said...

first week and you're already teaching? that's awesome!

At 8:45 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

so awesome to see that you joined the world of blogs. I look forward to hearing about your teaching adventures. I'm sure you'll have some great stories. love ya and miss you too!


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